Delaware Regulatory Agencies


Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (“DNREC”) is the state agency in Delaware largely responsible for administering and enforcing Delaware’s environmental laws. The Secretary of DNREC is a member of the governor’s cabinet. DNREC is divided into divisions that focus on specific laws and environmental topics. These include air quality, waste and hazardous substances, water, climate coastal and energy, fish and wildlife, parks and recreation, watershed stewardship, community affairs, and administrative law services.


Delaware Solid Waste Authority

Delaware’s waste management is regulated primarily by the Delaware Solid Waste Authority, a regulatory agency established by Title 7, Chapter 64 of the Delaware Code. Pursuant to Title 7, the Delaware Solid Waste Authority is tasked with overseeing collection and disposal all of Delaware’s municipal solid waste, and is in charge of Delaware’s “statewide solid waste management plan.” See Title 7, § 6403.

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Delaware Forest Service

The Delaware Forest Service, a division of the Delaware Department of Agriculture manages three state forests, covering more than 20,000 acres. The forests include Blackbird Forest near Smyrna, Taber Forest near Harrington, and Redden Forest near Georgetown. The forests are managed for a variety of objectives including: timber production, wildlife habitat enhancement, forest management demonstration, and recreational opportunities. All three state forests are open to the public for a variety of recreational activities, including hiking, horseback riding, and in-season hunting.