Environmental Science, Technology, and Statistics
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Environmental Science
Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical, biological and information sciences to the study of the natural environment, including the earth’s flora, fauna, atmosphere, climate, soil, and waterways. The field concerns topics such as ecology, geology, and biology, and also examines whether and how humans impact the environment.
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Environmental Technologies
Environmental technology generally refers to a class of technologies capable of operating on natural forces such as atmospheric, solar, thermal, and hydrologic forces. The term also may refer to technologies capable of increasing environmental sustainability, environmental monitoring, and recycling or material recovery technologies.
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Environmental Statistics
Environmental statistics refers generally to data collected from monitoring and analyzing the Earth’s plant and animal life, atmospheric and oceanic patterns, and fossil fuel emissions. This page contains useful informational about environmental statistics, as well as information about governmental and non-governmental sources of these data.
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