Alabama Environmental Laws


This page outlines Alabama’s environmental laws, the Alabama agencies responsible for enforcing those laws, and the people responsible for creating Alabama’s laws.

Scroll down to learn more about Alabama laws.

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By DXR - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

By DXR - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Alabama Environmental Lawmakers

Alabama has two committees devoted to environmental protection - one in the Alabama State Senate, and one in the Alabama State House of Representatives.

The committees are responsible for drafting legislation to regulate matters related to the state’s environment and natural resources. After the committees complete their drafts, the proposed law is then presented to the full Senate and House.

To pass laws in Alabama, a majority of both the Alabama House and Alabama Senate must vote to support the proposed law (a bill). The Governor must then sign the bill into law or veto it.

Click here to see which Alabama lawmakers are responsible for protecting the environment.


Alabama Environmental Statutes

The Alabama legislature passes laws pursuant to its constitutional power.

Click here to see which laws Alabama has passed to regulate the environment.


Alabama Environmental Regulatory Agencies

Alabama regulatory agencies enforce the laws passed by Alabama’s legislature. The agencies also pass their own regulations to carry out the duties assigned to them.

Click here to see how these agencies regulate activities affecting the environment.


Alabama Constitution

The Alabama Constitution does not directly address protection of the natural environment. However, several provisions allow for the Alabama government to regulate land use and natural resources.

Click here to see which Constitutional provisions allow for environmental regulation.